My greatest gift isn’t music—
It’s helping you to rise, thrive, feel better, surpass your goals and find true freedom.
I’m here to support you in your breakthroughs and expansions: I'll help you transform your pain into power, transcend your suffering, reconnect with Truth, and live your happiest, healthiest, wealthiest, highest potential ✨
Let’s turn up the song of you 🎧

1:1 MENTORSHIP (12 weeks)
My 1:1 mentorship is for those ready to dive deep, find True Freedom, overcome your limitations, and unlock your birthright to feeling better, happier, healthier, wealthier, and fully aligned in life.
We all know what it's like to suffer and feel stuck in life. The only reason I am able to help people move beyond it layer by layer is because of the depths of suffering, struggle and self limitation I've faced myself to the point where suicide seemed like the best way out. Fortunately, we're all always just one decision away from completely changing our lives- and can do so quickly with proper support! That's where I'm here to help. The reality is, whether it’s in our emotions, business, relationships, health, finances or sense of purpose, suffering is TOUGH but it is actually there for us to learn from and ultimately guide us Home to a place where we can live without it more and more.
Thank God, right when I needed most, I had the life-giving gift and honor of studying, being held by and collaborating with some of the best teachers, guides, healers and coaches in the world. They helped me rise & walked me Home.
Now I'm here to forward those gifts. These rare 1:1 mentorship containers are my most exclusive and impactful way to support you on your journey.
This is a grounded yet spiritual journey to uncover and release the roots of your suffering— illusion, limiting beliefs, fears, suppressed emotions, bad habits, unreleased traumas, scarcity mindsets, energetic issues and misalignments.
“As within, so without.” Together, I’ll help you identify and release your resistances and what’s blocking you within from experiencing your True Self, dream life, happiness, ideal relationships, career & financial goals, health, creativity, and overall thriving.
I'll help realign you with the Highest version of you: Your True Self, Freedom, and the Infinite, empowering you to live your fullest potential in every area of life— career, relationships, health, happiness, purpose, and beyond.
Spots are extremely limited— less than 5 available.

Your Path to Freedom & Thriving:
Most people try so hard to change yet stay stuck in patterns of fear, stress, survival and resistance-- Only to get the same results. They exhaust themselves trying to fix external circumstances, how they feel, or fix superficial symptoms-- only to remain frustrated when their problems remain or return.
My work with you doesn't pull surface level weeds or solve superficial problems; we'll go to the Source, where true solutions, wellness, results, transformation and fulfillment occur.
By reconnecting with the Truth of who you are, the struggles, suffering, and limitations you think you have can dissolve and your circumstances can finally shift. You no longer have to seek or chase. This is where freedom begins and experiential thriving becomes inevitable.
I'm here to help you:
Transform your pain into power and break free from what’s holding you back.
Clear the blocks, false ideas, and limiting beliefs keeping you stuck.
Release suppressed emotions that hold you back and limit your results.
Access fully integrated, higher states of Being where your body is in optimal state to begin to heal and repair itself.
Feel better and thrive in all areas of your life.
Let go of struggle, stress and survival states.
Master the balance between the material and spiritual worlds for true fulfillment.
Align with the energy of Being, where effort and struggle transform into greater ease.
Spot and clear your misperceptions rooted in illusion—the root of all your suffering.
Reprogram your subconscious mind and shift your habits
Reclaim your Essence—freedom, abundance, peace, and joy that are already yours, Here and Now.
When we live from the Infinite, we thrive in the finite.
When we live from Truth, illusion dissolves and suffering softens.
And as we live this, the whole world changes... we get to "Be the change (we) wish to see in the world" 🦋
"Kevin has truly changed my life. As a guide, a healer, a teacher.. I cannot recommend his offerings enough. Sessions with Kevin have catalyzed some of the most profound and cellular-level transformations I’ve experienced in seven years of healing work. The qualities I cherish in Kevins offerings are: a sense of total safety that I need to go deep, wisdom that provides so much insight, and firm integrity with gentle delivery. It is obvious that Kevin lives and embodies what he teaches, which I find to be crucial when choosing a teacher. As a human, Kevin’s energy field is so powerfully loving and intuitive that it can’t help but lead to massive internal shifts and alchemization. It is evident that he serves from a place of the highest Love for the Whole of us. He is a rare gem: unmatched, grounded, humble, powerful — and also playful, radiant, brilliant, kind. It is a total joy to be in his presence and an honor to follow his lead in clearing, transmuting, and attuning within. I am eternally grateful for his impact on me!"
-Hannah B

She healed her endometriosis in one 30 minute 1:1 session 😭🦋♥️🙏


After a 1:1 session to bring safety & play into our client's life, relationship and work, the very next day he closed over $90,000 in deals, and in just 2 calls he made 2 months worth of his old salary


She came to me after not having had her 🩸 cycle in over a year. ❤️🩹 2 days later, after just one 1:1 session, she got her period 😭
Why Is This Work Different?:
Most approaches stop short of addressing the deeper roots of suffering, which is why many people feel stuck even after trying countless coaches, programs, practices or therapies. This work is different. Unlike traditional coaching or therapies, which often treat more surface-level symptoms, stories, experiences and goals-- this mentorship goes deeper. We don’t pull weeds at the surface; we go to the Source, where true wellness, results, transformation and fulfillment occur. This is where our suffering and seeming problems can dissolve. Most people are trying so hard to change they unintentionally keep themselves separate from the change they seek, so they stay stuck in patterns of things being "wrong," fear, stress, sickness and resistance. They exhaust themselves trying to fix external circumstances, how they feel, or fix superficial symptoms, only to remain frustrated when their problems return. Our work together focuses on addressing the root causes within in the Now, realigning you with the Infinite and allowing profound shifts to unfold with less effort and more Grace. I'll help you access your True nature as Consciousness where there are no problems and there is nothing wrong with you! This isn’t about “doing more.” It’s about undoing, re-membering, and reconnecting with your True Essence. Paradoxically, this unlocks and allows more of what you actually desire on a soul level with greater fulfillment and less suffering. Ultimately, all suffering stems from illusion— the illusion of separation, fear, and attachment and resistance. This work helps you move beyond these illusions and resistances and into a state of allowance, where life flows effortlessly and abundantly, and old "problems" can dissolve.
The Transformational Tools:
Each client and session is different, so I combine a unique blend of tools to guide you in the most impactful way. Here are just some of the powerful tools I use: *Accessing your True state, where nothing is wrong and nothing needs to change or be fixed-- Therein, paradoxically is where wellness and "change" often happen naturally. *Somatic Practices *Powerful Meditations (no experience needed) *Transformational Coaching *Accessing the Quantum State *Energy Work Support (clearings, realigning ) *Brain-Heart Coherence *Subconscious Reprogramming *Ancestral and generational clearing work *Powerful Breathwork *Yoga Nidra *Connection with Your Guides and Higher Beings *Expressive Movement & Sound
Who is this for?:
This mentorship is for you if you’re: Ready to find true freedom and expansions beyond surface-level change. Committed to breaking free from fear, stress, and limiting patterns. Excited to invest in your growth and step into your fullest potential. Ready to reclaim your power, self, abundance, and Truth.
What's included and how will it support you?:
This mentorship is a 3 month journey with 75 minute, 1:1 sessions with me on Zoom either weekly or bi-weekly depending on your chosen agreement for what best supports your greatest expansion. Each package also includes text & voice note support for guidance between sessions (Tues-Thurs, 9am–5pm PST). The mentorship is designed to help you: *Access true freedom and results wherever you're needing most in life right now. *Gain powerful clarity on your intentions, purpose, and dreams—and open to greater possibilities. *Live your highest potential in life, relationships, health, finances, career, and creativity. *Release fears, limiting beliefs, and suppressed emotions holding you back. *Co-create personalized practices for your optimal wellbeing and lifestyle. *Clear your energy of cords, attachments, parasitic energies, and generational patterns. *Shift from struggle to alignment, ease, and fulfillment. *Access guided meditations for manifestation and wellbeing. *Feel lighter, clearer, and empowered, with a subconscious mind reprogrammed for thriving. *This isn’t about gaining something new—it’s about uncovering your Essence and witnessing the Freedom this creates.
Can we work on your music career too?:
Absolutely! This 1:1 work is something I offer nowhere else. If music guidance is a key part of your journey, I’m here to support you however I can. Whether it’s exploring your creative process, navigating the music industry, quantum leaping in your business, social media, or aligning your music career with your purpose, we can integrate that into our work together. This mentorship is personalized to your unique goals, so if music is part of what you want to expand, we’ll incorporate it to the best of my ability. I'll answer any questions and hold nothing back, while making sure all dimensions of your life are set up best for your success-- your energetics, mind, body, spirit and business. I wish I had this when I was getting started 🙈
Where do the calls & text support happen?:
Calls are 75 minutes live on Zoom and text support is on WhatsApp.
Why work with me?
Over the years I’ve been blessed to help people from all walks of life: CEO’s, celebrities, coaches, entrepreneurs, artists, teachers, couples, students, doctors, businesses, people experiencing spiritual awakenings, etc. At our Essence, we’re all the same and all desire the same simple, most impactful things: Love, freedom, safety, happiness, health, true connection, meaning, abundance, and freedom from suffering. These are your birthright. I just help remove what’s seemingly in the way of you experiencing them. Unlike traditional coaching or therapies that often address surface-level symptoms, this work goes straight to the Source. Together, we’ll uncover and dissolve the root causes of what’s keeping you stuck—helping you move beyond stress, struggle, and self-imposed limitations into greater states of ease, alignment, wellness, abundance and flow. I know this path because I’ve lived it. I’ve faced deep suffering in my own life and the collective which we’re inseparable from. I know what it’s like to feel so lost in depression, stress, confusion, struggle and hopelessness that even the slightest action feels impossible, and suicidal thoughts convince you it’s the only way out. I know what it’s like to feel despair, beyond hope, exhausted, enraged, burnt out, and completely disconnected, wondering if life could ever feel different. I’ve also learned that no external success—no amount of money, achievement, possessions, or beauty—can fill the void when we’re not connected to Truth. Thankfully, God gave me the support and way out I prayed for and desperately needed: On the path, I’ve been blessed to study and collaborate with some of the most sought-after teachers, coaches, and transformational leaders in the world. From meditation, human transformation, breathwork and somatic work to quantum states, manifestation, brain-heart coherence, and energy work, I’ve immersed myself in practices that strip away what no longer serves and realign us with our Infinite potential. These tools and teachings, combined with my lived experience, now allow me to support others in their own profound and lasting transformation. When we clear the blocks, release the resistance, and re-member who we truly are, you’ll experience the peace, joy, love, grace and freedom that have always been within you– you have simply felt disconnected from them and so your reality mirrors this. And I know, you have all the data and experiences to support why things" aren't working" for you. We’ll do all we can to help you undo the layers that have kept you from fully Being, Feeling and Experiencing this— and having your reality shift to reflect this. Remember, beyond the clouds, the sun still shines. Let's help you part the clouds, right after allowing their rain to grow your magnificent garden.
What's the investment?:
"The energy you invest in yourself is directly reflected in the transformation you experience. The greater the commitment, the greater the return." I created 2 simple yet powerful options. Choose whichever best aligns with your needs and goals: *Note: Each package also includes text & voice note support for guidance between sessions (Tues-Thurs, 9am–5pm PST). Option 1: 12-Week Mentorship (3 Months) >> Bi-Weekly 75 minute 1:1 Calls (2 sessions/month) >> $1,111/month for 3 months = $3,333 total (Payment plan: $3,500 total) Option 2: 12-Week Mentorship (3 Months) >>Weekly 75 minute 1:1 Calls (4 sessions/month) (save $666) >>$2,000/month for 3 months = $6,000 total (Payment plan: $6,350 total)